Pre-purchase examinations

Are you selling or purchasing a new horse?

We would recommend that anyone purchasing a new horse have the horse undergo a pre-purchase examination. Pre-puchase examinations can aid in identifying medical issues or abnormalities at the time of purchase. Although this gives no long-term guarantee for future health or soundness, major issues can be highlighted and long-term implications of any abnormality can be fully explored. We can then be in a positions to advise as to the suitability of the horse for its intended use. As a purchaser this enables you to make a better informed decision as to whether or not to proceed with purchase.

Please contact us to have one of our veterinary surgeons carry out a vetting on your horse. Our staff are ready to provide a thorough and high quality service for you, whether you are pre-existing client, new client or live abroad and are purchasing a horse from Ireland. We are able to provide this service on the yard, in some instances, or in our clinic where we have excellent facilities available for vettings of horses at any level.

Vettings may be a limited examination in the case of young horses, or full 5 stage examination for ridden horses of any level or discipline. Additional diagnostics or imaging for all prepurchase examinations can include, but are not limited to:

  • blood sampling,
  • radiographs (x-ray),
  • ultrasound,
  • airway endoscopy,
  • MRI,
  • CT
  • and ‘bone scans’.

Certificates will be produced for all vettings performed and images for any additional diagnostics will be available to the purchaser.

Please contact us to find out more about all our flexible arrangements for pre-purchase examination on ponies, leisure horses, sport horses and thoroughbreds of all levels.

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